Tag Archives: DevZuz

Blog Moved to Exist, and WordPress

Since DevZuz was acquired by Exist , I’ve now move my blog to it’s new home. Hopefully everything redirects here now, and I’ll shortly set up Feedburner properly (finally) so that can be used to subscribe in future. I’m really liking WordPress – though Pebble treated me well, you just can’t go past the wealth of plugins that WordPress offers.

You’ll find some other DevZuz bloggers here too – as well a growing number of others from Exist.

It’s been a crazy busy start to the new year, so things have been a little quiet on this blog. I’ve spent most of my time in January in the Philippines, settling in to the new environment and having a blast with my friends and coworkers from Exist.

I’ll post some more separately on what’s been happening and what’s coming up!

Carlos Sanchez on Maven, Eclipse, Kepler and Q4E

After a busy period over the end of September/October travelling and going to Eclipse Summit, I got to post an interview with Carlos Sanchez on devzuz.org. We talked about his history in Maven, and what he has been up to with Eclipse and Maven recently.


Preparing for Maven and Eclipse presentations in November

November is a great month for conferences for anyone interested in Open Source, particularly those located in the Asia Pacific with an interest in Apache or Eclipse projects.

I’m interested to see how OSSummit Asia goes this year – it is the first time it has been run, and the first time Apache and Eclipse have held a conference together. The combination has worked well with a strong line up of speakers, and lots of complimentary technologies lending themselves to talks that cross over.

I’m interested to see a successful conference of this kind held in Asia. I certainly prefer the 8-10 hour flights over the 20 hour flights to Europe or east coast US! Who knows – maybe ApacheCon OZ is next.

I’d certainly encourage people to come along if they can, and spread the word. It should be a great conference, and it’s always interesting to meet some of the project committers, contributors and users and to share experiences.

But all this does mean I’m living in Keynote right now as I polish, update and generally refresh the presentations I’ll be giving. OSSummit is the big one for me, with an extended development system training using Maven technologies, a presentation of the state of the nation regarding artifact repository technologies, in addition to my Maven Best Practices talk which I’ll also be presenting at ApacheCon US.

Should be a great month – leave a comment if you’re planning to be there!

Catching up with Deng Ching from Apache Maven and Archiva

I’ve just posted another interview at the main devzuz.org site, this time with Deng Ching. Deng is the newest Maven PMC member, and among plenty of other things there, has been working on Archiva almost since its inception.

After a successful start to the series talking to Emmanuel, I’m now planning to talk to a developer from DevZuz regularly to let others get to know them better, and to hear about what we’re all working on.

It’s common, particularly in open source, to be interacting with someone on a regular basis and never getting to know much more about them than their e-mail address. So it’s great to have the opportunity to talk with some of these people in more detail and share it – I hope you enjoy it.

Interview with Emmanuel Venisse of Apache Maven and Continuum

I recently decided to catch up with Emmanuel and conduct an interview with him about his involvement in Maven since the early days, and his work at DevZuz.

I’ve had the pleasure of not only working with Emmanuel, but meeting him a few times face to face, including in his home town near Paris, France. Yes – I do consider it a privilege to actually meet the people I work with face to face!

It was great to talk to Emmanuel about all the things he has done for Maven and the things that still excite him.

The interview has been posted on the new devzuz.org site, which we launched today. If you are looking for information on Maestro, the Apache Maven community, Q for Eclipse or Eclipse Kepler you might like to check it out regularly.