Tag Archives: book

Apache Maven Effective Implementation and other Packt eBooks 2 for $10

A short note to mention again that Packt are having a sale on eBooks until January 3 – which includes both books on Apache Maven. Check it out for some holiday reading!

An opportunity to get our Apache Maven book (or another ebook) for free this weekend

Packt Publishing, the publishers of Apache Maven 2: Effective Implementation, are celebrating having published 1000 books with a special over the weekend. They’re giving away one free ebook to everyone that registers (or has already registered and logs in) on the site from 28 – 30 September.

You can login here: https://www.packtpub.com/login

Definitely worth checking out if you’re interested in the book, or one of their other titles!

Last chance to register for Training and Receive Maven Book Free

Packt Publishing, the publishers of Apache Maven 2: Effective Implementation, will be present at ApacheCon North America, coming up on November 1 – 5, 2010. They’ll have an exhibitors table with information about their books on Apache projects such as OFBiz, Tomcat, MyFaces, jMeter, Maven, and more.

They’ve generously offered to sponsor free copies of the Maven book for attendees to the Maven training course on November 1. However, this could be extended until today only, so that the correct number can be ordered. Please register now!

One of the attractions of writing for Packt was their involvement in open source, such as through their Open Source Royalties program, and their Open Source Awards. I’m glad to see that they’ll be at ApacheCon.

Register for Training by Oct 13 and Receive Maven Book Free

As I posted earlier this week, I will be running a full day Maven training course at ApacheCon on November 1.

I’ve now been able to confirm that I can offer a free copy of the book Apache Maven 2: Effective Implementation to everyone that completes the course. However, to ensure the right amount can be ordered and shipped in time, you must have registered before October 13.

There are still discounted rates for the training and conference for today, so all the more reason to register as soon as possible!

Better Builds with Maven now available to read online

Better Builds with Maven has been available for a few years now, initially to those who registered on the web site and then available as a freely downloadable PDF. However, now it is finally available to read online as HTML, bookmark, etc. (in addition to the PDF download). It has also been relicensed under a Creative Commons license.

While the book is now somewhat dated and there are newer alternatives available, the information is still relevant. It has had minor updates as it moved homes several times over the last few years.

I hope you find this useful!