Apache Maven: End-to-end training in November

It’s that time of year again! ApacheCon US in Oakland is on 2-6 November 2009. There are still discounts for registration by September 25.

I’m presenting my full-day Maven and development infrastructure training again on Monday November 2, called Apache Maven: End-to-end:

This training session will walk through the lifecycle of developing a typical Java application from creation to deployment, and show how to use Apache Maven most effectively to manage the build and development process. In addition to the fundamental building blocks of the project, the session will cover testing, day-to-day development in the IDE, application of Maven best practices, effective dependency management, establishing a release process, using profiles effectively, setting up documentation, tracking development reports and practices. Effective use of continuous integration (illustrated with Apache Continuum) and repository management (using Apache Archiva) as a part of development infrastructure for team and enterprise environments will be demonstrated. This course will be suitable both for those that are looking to get the most out of their existing Maven projects, and those that are looking to use Maven for the first time. Time is reserved for addressing specific situations that attendees have encountered in existing projects.

The material is aimed to offer most to the intermediate Maven user, while still being appropriate for Maven beginners, and is refreshed with the latest work from the book.

2 responses to “Apache Maven: End-to-end training in November

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  2. Pingback: Maven training in Oakland, November 2 « Brett Porter

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