Good Free RSS Reader for Outlook

I found a decent RSS reader for outlook that is free called intraVnews. As much as I like beggregator’s look, it hasn’t been developed for ages, never made it into an intelliJ plugin, doesn’t update automatically and is a bit heavy on the desktop. Maybe later 😦

intraVnews is good for work where I have to have outlook on all the time anyway.

5 responses to “Good Free RSS Reader for Outlook

  1. Hm, I really like flock (

    The best part is that it runs as a .war application thus I can reach all my feeds from everywhere. I use Opera to reload the page every 30 minutes.

    It still need some small bugfixes but it is really neat.

  2. Hi,

    I just released an aggregator as well for Outlook.

    I would appreciate your comments on it.

    — dru

  3. Hi,
    A free RSS aggregator for Outlook:

  4. What part of trial-ware says “free” to you. If it ain’t free to use it ain’t free. A trial is just that.

  5. RSS Popper is excellent. totally reliable and does exactly what it is meant to. Excelent bit of functional, useful software (no adware, no spyware, just free and great)

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